janeymoffat: Mr. Hunter makes friends with a fishy lamppost outside the Musée des Arts Decoratifs
janeymoffat: Mr. Hunter and lamppost
janeymoffat: Mr. Hunter's fishy lamppost friend
janeymoffat: Appreciating the carved wooden door and matching window at 17, Rue de Grenelle
janeymoffat: Paris doorways: 4, Rue Saint Sulpice, which features a moustachioed man
janeymoffat: Another pleasing doorway with carvings and upper window: 9, Rue de Grenelle
janeymoffat: Ironwork balconies on Rue Bonaparte
janeymoffat: Chemist J. B. Dumas lived in this house
janeymoffat: Pleasing window and grill detail
janeymoffat: Mr. Hunter among the horse chestnuts
janeymoffat: The City of Paris sculpture on one corner of Pont du Carrousel. Statue by Louis Petitot
janeymoffat: How do you like Mr. Hunter's spiky horse chestnut beret?