ponzoñosa: (1/12: Atmosphere/mood) Finis Terrae
ponzoñosa: (2/12: Metaphor) Atomic carnival
ponzoñosa: (3/12: Point of view) Starway to friends
ponzoñosa: (7/28) (4/12: Hyperbole) Living Poets Society, Stop 5
ponzoñosa: (5/12: Setting) Deep green road
ponzoñosa: (6/12: Juxtaposition) Roman Invaders
ponzoñosa: (7/12: Meter/rhythm) Enol
ponzoñosa: (8/12: Personification) Rage
ponzoñosa: (9-10/12: Tension and suspense) Attack of artistic spiders!
ponzoñosa: (11/12: Symbolism) Lonely fields
ponzoñosa: (6/17) & (12/12: Allegory) The most powerful enemy