jaypchances: hazy noon
jaypchances: Interesting clouds and sun
jaypchances: Rooftop silhouette
jaypchances: Practising panning
jaypchances: Hungry swans
jaypchances: Altona streetview
jaypchances: Group in motion
jaypchances: Hair-in-motion
jaypchances: Filling glass
jaypchances: Sunset glass
jaypchances: Zebra glass
jaypchances: Triptychs of people at work - II
jaypchances: Triptychs of people at work - I
jaypchances: Portrait of a man with dog
jaypchances: Portrait of a woman
jaypchances: Portrait of a woman
jaypchances: Four elements
jaypchances: A stripe of yellow
jaypchances: Gold 'n yellow leafs
jaypchances: The root of the tree
jaypchances: Pastel colors of fall
jaypchances: Yellow November afternoon
jaypchances: Abandonment
jaypchances: A constellation of holes
jaypchances: Struts and ties
jaypchances: Dinkie A
jaypchances: Switches
jaypchances: Wheel of fortune
jaypchances: (un)packed
jaypchances: the lonely dove