Magnus-L: Silent Castle WIP
Magnus-L: Rear, with helipad
Magnus-L: More rear detail
Magnus-L: Rear side stairwell
Magnus-L: Front wall removed
Magnus-L: Interior door/hallway
Magnus-L: Ground floor and inner side stairwell
Magnus-L: Upper tower interior
Magnus-L: Silent Castle WIP
Magnus-L: Silent Castle
Magnus-L: Gateway
Magnus-L: Missile and gun defenses and radar
Magnus-L: Tower top
Magnus-L: Crenelated lookout platform
Magnus-L: Rear, with helipad
Magnus-L: Interior of the central castle
Magnus-L: Me and Silent Castle at BrickFair
Magnus-L: BFVA21 View from the air
Magnus-L: BFVA21 Cobra counterattack in front of the Silent Castle
Magnus-L: BFVA21 HISS tanks rolling out of the Silent Castle
Magnus-L: BFVA21 Rattler flying low
Magnus-L: BFVA21 Silent Castle looming over village
Magnus-L: BFVA21 BATs Attack!
Magnus-L: BFVA21 Cobra Counterattack