figgy photos: sleeping soccer fields
figgy photos: trail etiquette
figgy photos: spot the dog
figgy photos: camouflaged dog
figgy photos: winter wonderland
figgy photos: skiiers along the way
figgy photos: wintry
figgy photos: frosty grass
figgy photos: finger lake in the frost
figgy photos: finger lake, frosty
figgy photos: sadie sizes up the ducks
figgy photos: finger lake
figgy photos: finger lake in frosty fog
figgy photos: setting sun, birch trees, country road
figgy photos: puppies!
figgy photos: scout overlook, wasilla, alaska
figgy photos: scout overlook, wasilla, alaska
figgy photos: scout overlook, wasilla, alaska
figgy photos: only in wasilla - a consignment boutique and firewood
figgy photos: me & moose track in the mud
figgy photos: the signs used to say Karokee
figgy photos: my senator wants to speak with me at a liquor store