Persephone-Pomegranate: #selfportrait #101things #1
Persephone-Pomegranate: #cute little butterfly pin I found for $1 #thrifting. I just popped it on a bobby pin.
Persephone-Pomegranate: Feeling down so I put on some fabulous red lipstick and a hair thingy and am going for a walk
Persephone-Pomegranate: Trying to thaw my lungs so that I can actually breathe again.
Persephone-Pomegranate: #selfie at the #thrift shop
Persephone-Pomegranate: #selfie after a cold but good day out of the house after being stuck inside for 3 days.
Persephone-Pomegranate: After a long but great day #thrifting and more :)
Persephone-Pomegranate: Also #thrifted this awesome #hat and #scarf today. Really good score overall!!