cherry robber: Voglia di estate, sole, limone...
cherry robber: fuori il sole doveva essere ancora caldo a vedere le larghe chiazze di luce sui palazzi di fronte
cherry robber: ma che bella giornata di sole.. e questo profumo di limoni dalle finestre aperte
cherry robber: L'automne: plein de moments de grâce, qui ne durent pas
cherry robber: Si sta come d'autunno, sugli alberi senza foglie...
cherry robber: Let nothing come between you and the light
cherry robber: Life indeed can be fun, If you really want to
cherry robber: Underwater
cherry robber: La boutique, c'est chic
cherry robber: Like electricity through a body
cherry robber: Lumière
cherry robber: Yellowblue
cherry robber: J'adore la pluie
cherry robber: Imagination is more important than knowledge
cherry robber: Riding dawn
cherry robber: Limone a dondolo
cherry robber: Game cube
cherry robber: Kind of slot
cherry robber: On request
cherry robber: Creneau
cherry robber: I lampioni di Lussemburgo
cherry robber: C'est génial, la communication
cherry robber: In no need
cherry robber: Disguised? 350 D can also be lomo if u want:D
cherry robber: Ma quanto è bello??
cherry robber: De-straw-ee
cherry robber: Bohemian like you
cherry robber: Coffee comes in different guises
cherry robber: Remove before flight