the_lawson42: sunday, 5:19pm
the_lawson42: thursday, 2:03pm
the_lawson42: airport #3 (waiting)
the_lawson42: airport #2 (advertising)
the_lawson42: airport #1 (directions)
the_lawson42: hindsight
the_lawson42: ghost rider
the_lawson42: guns (american snapshots)
the_lawson42: tourism (portland - spectre)
the_lawson42: door crasher special
the_lawson42: connectedness
the_lawson42: Nevada #10 (the corner of bellagio and wherever)
the_lawson42: commuting
the_lawson42: airport
the_lawson42: courier
the_lawson42: Vegas (t-shirts, souvenirs and beer,)
the_lawson42: modes of transportation - the impractical
the_lawson42: man in a cupcake
the_lawson42: down and out while the world passes by
the_lawson42: reading
the_lawson42: the long walk
the_lawson42: smoking
the_lawson42: juggling
the_lawson42: pay here
the_lawson42: stairs
the_lawson42: personal space
the_lawson42: anonymity
the_lawson42: skateboard
the_lawson42: look sharp! (unintentional album cover homage)