the_lawson42: dark satanic mills (false colour infrared)
the_lawson42: is (sunday, 10:48 am)
the_lawson42: underpass and marker (ongoing)
the_lawson42: thistle #3
the_lawson42: markers (ongoing)
the_lawson42: infrared fishing (ir chrome)
the_lawson42: thistle (cyanotype)
the_lawson42: thistle #2 - (35mm)
the_lawson42: lake huron
the_lawson42: (ir chrome) milkweed
the_lawson42: thistle (detail)
the_lawson42: lighthouse (in miniature)
the_lawson42: Sunday, 11:31-11:35 am
the_lawson42: brooklyn bridge
the_lawson42: wind farm (diptych)
the_lawson42: piano triptych (new york)
the_lawson42: new yorker
the_lawson42: joshua tree (unnumbered)
the_lawson42: markers (somewhere in oregon)
the_lawson42: gears (on the beach)
the_lawson42: breakwater #2
the_lawson42: breakwater
the_lawson42: no trespassing
the_lawson42: email god church is closed (toronto)
the_lawson42: shopping cart and graffiti (r.i.p. joshua scott watson)
the_lawson42: 5 stones (again)
the_lawson42: lake ontario
the_lawson42: 5 stones