Octopus-Prime: Pipevine swallowtail only likes the edges
Octopus-Prime: Using barbs as a ladder
Octopus-Prime: Rearing Horn Attack!
Octopus-Prime: Lunch box
Octopus-Prime: Either molting or coma
Octopus-Prime: Sanctuary
Octopus-Prime: Metapod
Octopus-Prime: cardboard nursery
Octopus-Prime: I'm not sure if it's dead or alive
Octopus-Prime: This isn't where I went to sleep
Octopus-Prime: Julian and Marcel's science summercamp
Octopus-Prime: I can almost breath
Octopus-Prime: Mirror Moth
Octopus-Prime: majesty detail
Octopus-Prime: dead treasure