washed up2: Starling
washed up2: Heron
washed up2: Guinea Fowl
washed up2: take off
washed up2: Jumpy little beggers
washed up2: Another Robin
washed up2: Sturnus vulgaris
washed up2: Turdus merula
washed up2: Corvus monedula
washed up2: Henny
washed up2: grebes
washed up2: Time to relax.
washed up2: Grebe (record shot)
washed up2: Lonely fisher
washed up2: Black eyed Suzie.
washed up2: Lovely Dunnock.
washed up2: Bearded Reedling (f)
washed up2: Bearded Reedling (m)
washed up2: A pretty pair.
washed up2: A grab shot.
washed up2: Sharing a moment .
washed up2: Three in a row.
washed up2: Pippit
washed up2: Never look back!
washed up2: A 'umble chaffinch.
washed up2: An Autumn Scene.
washed up2: Waiting for two late comers.
washed up2: Packed lunch?
washed up2: On the fence.