audiodam: Feeling peacocky
audiodam: Try me
audiodam: Upfront
audiodam: Wide spread
audiodam: Once upon a time...
audiodam: A journey through the air
audiodam: Take off
audiodam: Boomerang
audiodam: Landing
audiodam: The Black-shouldered Kite has landed
audiodam: Who are you?
audiodam: Theseus
audiodam: Soft landing
audiodam: Darterasana
audiodam: Under my wing
audiodam: To nest or not to nest?
audiodam: Something's in the air
audiodam: Will you be my Valentine
audiodam: Very lively dead tree. Lower level. 8:41 AM
audiodam: Very lively dead tree. Lower level. 8:41
audiodam: Very lively dead tree. Lower level. 8:52 AM
audiodam: Very lively dead tree. Lower level. 8:52 AM
audiodam: Tiny 2 minutes
audiodam: Preening
audiodam: Time's up!
audiodam: Windy the Black-shouldered Kite
audiodam: Under my wing II
audiodam: Portrait in a square.
audiodam: Cisticola Classic
audiodam: Shine on me