begineerphotos: _MG_9844
begineerphotos: Who's there?
begineerphotos: _MG_9760
begineerphotos: Shake on that
begineerphotos: Fuzzy nose
begineerphotos: _MG_9719
begineerphotos: Owl foot
begineerphotos: Hanging on to the branch
begineerphotos: Stare down
begineerphotos: I See you watching me
begineerphotos: 20121027_1057
begineerphotos: I am asleep
begineerphotos: 20121027_djh_1034
begineerphotos: Hello down there
begineerphotos: 20121027_1282
begineerphotos: Wise Old Owl
begineerphotos: Owl yawning
begineerphotos: 20121028_djh_0849
begineerphotos: Flying away
begineerphotos: _MG_1460
begineerphotos: How do you like your chicken?
begineerphotos: Great horned owl
begineerphotos: Who are you looking at?
begineerphotos: Owl at rest
begineerphotos: Great horned owl with breakfast
begineerphotos: My breakfast
begineerphotos: Great Horned Owlets
begineerphotos: Baby Great Horned Owl