wonderbadger: Ball of cat.
wonderbadger: Wild urban dog in the garden.
wonderbadger: Not so sure about this whole "being awake" thing.
wonderbadger: Zap in her little house.
wonderbadger: Cats and dogs living together!
wonderbadger: Phoebe in her grandma's garden.
wonderbadger: You're eating carrots again! I know I already had one, but I still like carrots!
wonderbadger: Cat,with hanging guitars.
wonderbadger: Somebody turned 9 today!
wonderbadger: Resting chin on rainbow slippers.
wonderbadger: Got out my summer clothes and they were promptly put to use.
wonderbadger: Are you going to throw that pine cone for me?
wonderbadger: Sunny day, with cat.
wonderbadger: Spotted at Vancouver General Hospital today.
wonderbadger: Pollarded tree against grey Spring sky.
wonderbadger: Are you eating carrots? I like carrots!
wonderbadger: Short dog, tall grass.
wonderbadger: Phoebe is having a bad hair day.
wonderbadger: Phoebe looking adorable on my first walk around the block, post-pneumonia.
wonderbadger: Phoebe approves of our new handmade rug!
wonderbadger: Phoebe is glad it's Friday. It's been a long week.
wonderbadger: Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
wonderbadger: The best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
wonderbadger: Fuzzy girl lounging.
wonderbadger: Phoebe among the leaves.
wonderbadger: Sleepy puppy in need of a trim.
wonderbadger: Phoebe and her backup turkeys wish all her Canadian friends a happy Thanksgiving.
wonderbadger: Some expert help with my knitting.
wonderbadger: Fuzzy girl, lounging.