waynorth: ginster1
waynorth: linkerkirchturm
waynorth: blumentöpfe
waynorth: ginster+küste3
waynorth: oviedo-bluebottles2
waynorth: sitgeskircheabendlicht
waynorth: sitgesstrand3
waynorth: winde+küste
waynorth: ackerwinde
waynorth: am kiesstrand
waynorth: SITGES Abendstimmung (2)
waynorth: SITGES Abendstimmung (1)
waynorth: SITGES view direction Terramar
waynorth: SITGES FISCHERBOOT vorm Strand
waynorth: SITGES more pebbles
waynorth: SITGES pebles
waynorth: SITGES
waynorth: SITGES Maricel de Mer - reading
waynorth: SITGES Maricel de Mer
waynorth: SITGES MARICEL de Mer staircase
waynorth: SITGES in morning sun
waynorth: SITGES view down the churchstairs
waynorth: SITGES beach showers
waynorth: SITGES church
waynorth: SITGES in morning sun with playground
waynorth: SITGES staircase, MARICEL de MER
waynorth: SITGES tower at MARISEL de MER
waynorth: Ipomea near beach
waynorth: BARCELONA Haus beim PARK GAUDI
waynorth: BARCELONA PARK GAUDI at the top