Dr. M. Photography: Windows to her soul
Dr. M. Photography: Hikers on the Kaibab Trail
Dr. M. Photography: Engrossed in her book or Oblivious to the world around her ...
Dr. M. Photography: Electronic Reader
Dr. M. Photography: Ebook Reader
Dr. M. Photography: Checking Messages
Dr. M. Photography: UT Spectator
Dr. M. Photography: Seriousness
Dr. M. Photography: Riding the course
Dr. M. Photography: IMG_8431(PE)
Dr. M. Photography: Reading Elevation
Dr. M. Photography: Frieda and Freddie
Dr. M. Photography: Relay Runner
Dr. M. Photography: I want to kiss you in the rain ...
Dr. M. Photography: Oblivious to the world around her
Dr. M. Photography: Environmental Portrait
Dr. M. Photography: In the Cloister
Dr. M. Photography: Woman with a Crystal ball
Dr. M. Photography: Elmwood_Invit_050418_1074 copy copy
Dr. M. Photography: Elmwood_Invit_050418_1082 copy copy