joe with a camera: Ouarzazate morning
joe with a camera: Caption competition 1
joe with a camera: Brahim Tahiri's fossil museum, Erfoud
joe with a camera: Carpoids. One or two.
joe with a camera: Cothurnocystis
joe with a camera: The road out of Erfoud
joe with a camera: Bou Nemrou
joe with a camera: View from a paropsonemid site
joe with a camera: It's amazing what these cars can do...
joe with a camera: Stop pestering me!
joe with a camera: Another big one...
joe with a camera: Groundhopper
joe with a camera: It's a moth. That's as far as I'm going.
joe with a camera: Bigger than it looks
joe with a camera: Great big galumphing weevil
joe with a camera: Lynx spider - Oxyopes sp.?
joe with a camera: Scorpion tracks!
joe with a camera: Buthus tunetanus
joe with a camera: Mantid nymph
joe with a camera: Tiny Jumper
joe with a camera: Sphingonotus sp.
joe with a camera: Spiky desert plant...
joe with a camera: ...but not spiky enough.
joe with a camera: Typical outcrops
joe with a camera: At work in a hole
joe with a camera: A haul of eocrinoids
joe with a camera: Early starfish
joe with a camera: Plotting a route