joe with a camera: Tongzi scenery
joe with a camera: Three Gorges, China
joe with a camera: rice farming family
joe with a camera: bridge-building
joe with a camera: frog beetle, Nanjing - Sagra sp.
joe with a camera: Erthesina fullo
joe with a camera: Graphosoma rubrolineata
joe with a camera: Riptortus pedestris
joe with a camera: Cletus punctiger
joe with a camera: Um... mercy?
joe with a camera: What are those coloured bits for, then?
joe with a camera: You just know when you're being Looked At
joe with a camera: Tenodera sinensis, f
joe with a camera: Rhopalus? sp.
joe with a camera: Rhopalus? sp.
joe with a camera: cf. Eysarcoris
joe with a camera: cf. Eysarcoris
joe with a camera: Eysarcoris sp.
joe with a camera: assassin bug nymph
joe with a camera: Anyone for cricket?