joe with a camera: Calliphora vomitoria
joe with a camera: Scathophaga stercoraria
joe with a camera: midge indet
joe with a camera: "He's behind you..."
joe with a camera: Myathropa florea
joe with a camera: Episyrphus balteatus
joe with a camera: Epistrophe eligans
joe with a camera: Gymnosoma rotundatum
joe with a camera: another picture-wing
joe with a camera: picture-wing - Tephritis cometa
joe with a camera: Drosophila? sp.
joe with a camera: spot the difference!
joe with a camera: fly indet.
joe with a camera: moth-fly - Psychoda sp.
joe with a camera: dolichopodid fly
joe with a camera: Chinese non-hoverfly
joe with a camera: Chinese non-hoverfly
joe with a camera: Stomorhina obsoleta - a blowfly
joe with a camera: Chinese hoverfly - Syritta cf. indica
joe with a camera: Chinese hoverfly - Syritta cf. indica
joe with a camera: Chinese hoverfly - Paragus sp.
joe with a camera: Chinese hoverfly - Eristalis sp.
joe with a camera: Chinese hoverfly
joe with a camera: Chaoborus flavicans?
joe with a camera: Cricotopus sp.
joe with a camera: Cricotopus sp.
joe with a camera: Platycheirus albimanus
joe with a camera: Platycheirus sp. (prob. P. albimanus)