ROG Thunderbirds 37608 and 47812 at Manningrtree, after the transfer of the emegency coupling. 08 09 2020
37608 arrived at Manningtree from Orient Way & 47812 had travelled from Norwich and brought an Emergency Coupler, which was transferred across the platform at Manningtree to 37608. 09 07 2020
ROG Loco 47812, gleams in the sunlight as it passes Barham, on an 11.35 Norwich Crown Point - Colchester CSD Move. 26 08 2020
ROG 37800 running through Thorpe-le-Soken with 322481 & 322482 from Doncaster to Clacton, where they will undergo modifications for 110mph running. 24 04 2020
ROG 37611 hauls away former GA DVT 82107 from the Mid Norfolk Railway to Leicester, passing Barham 17 minutes early. 15 06 2020
ROG 47815 with 47812 DiT approaching Barham, enroute to Ely Mlf from Manningtree. 29 05 2020
ROG Loco 37608 hauls 745 005 on 5Q44 Bounds Green - Norwich Crown Point working, seen here at Barham. 04 03 2020
ROG Thunderbird 37611 at Woodbridge with 755 412 Dead in Tow heading for the naughty step at Norwich Crown Point, after failing at Darsham. 23 05 2020
ROG Thunderbird 37611 approaching Woodbridge with 755 412 DiT heading for the naughty step at Norwich Crown Point, after failing at Darsham. 23 05 2020
ROG 37800 approaching Thetford at speed, on a working from Leicester LIP to Norwich. 08 01 2020
Rail Operations Group Loco 37 601 'Perseus', during a quiet moment, at Norwich, 08 09 2019
Thunderbird Loco 37800 drags 755 424 through Saxmundham station from Beccles, whilst on the left, 755 412 will form the 09.56 service to Ipswich. 07 02 2020
ROG Class 37 37800 races through Stowmarket, returning to Norwich from Claydon Loop, Suffolk. 01 02 2019
Rail Operations Group 47848 with 47813 cross the River Cam on the Barrington Light Railway, with the return empties, Barrington - Wembley Service. 06 12 2017
Rail Operations Group 47848 with 47813 approach the exit of Barrington Quarry, with the return spoil empties, Barrington - Wembley Service. 06 12 2017
Rail Operations Group 47848 & 47815 slowly draw the spoil empties along the Barrington Light Railway, on the first stage of the journey to Wembley, London. The former Cement Works can be seen in the background. 29 11 2017
47815 draws away from a stop at Cambridge with Gatwick Express set, 442 423, destined for warm storage at Ely Papworth Sidings. 06 01 2017
37611 growling nicely across the River Stour at Manningtree, with the 15.00 Parkeston HS - Norwich Crown Point ECS working with 745 109 DIT. 13 05 2020
The Driver of 37611 applies a little power as it approaches the south end of platform 4 at Ipswich, enroute to Manningtree from Norwich. Orange liveried 66415 can be seen in the background. 10 03 2020
Greater Anglia 90004 hauls failed 37608 and Stadler 745 008 through Ipswich, enroute to Parkeston Yard. 10 03 2020
Rail Operations Group 47848 & 47815 slowly propel the spoil empties off the Barrington Light Railway and onto the GN Cambridge Branch, at Foxton, on the first stage of the journey to Wembley, London. 29 11 2017
Rail Operations Group 47848 & 47815 slowly draw the spoil empties across Haslingfield Road, on the first stage of the journey to Wembley, London. Barrington Quarry 29 11 2017 B&W
Approaching Barham Foot Crossing, ROG Loco 47812 running from Colchester CSD to Diss on 0P00, before returning to Manningtree, via Colchester. 16 09 2020
Rail Operations Group Locomotive 47812 returning to Manningtree from Norwich, passes Barham at speed. 28 09 2020
A rare class of loco on the East Suffolk Line - ROG Loco 47812 makes an early morning pass through a rain soaked Woodbridge, working 0Z00 Norwich TC - Manningtree DS on a route proving move. 05 10 2020
57305 passing over the Stour at Cattawade, Manningtree, on the 05.45 Norwich TC - Clacton CSD move. 03 06 2021