No.25 hurries through Doncaster at the head of 1F24, the 16.00 service from Kings Cross to Edinburgh.17 07 2020
Classic Traction at the Cross, Left to Right, 90020, 92032, 91112, 43272, 91113 and 91127 06 05 2019
DB Schenker Belmond Pullman liveried 67021 rolls through Ely, with the diverted 14.32 Kings Cross to Edinburgh LNER service. 13 01 2019
91117 seen in full Sun, on the 1105 Leeds - Kings Cross Service, with the train in reverse formation. The departing 1235 Kings Cross - Leeds is headed by 91115. Stevenage. 29 10 2017
91117 heads the 1105 Leeds - Kings Cross Service, with the train in reverse formation, whilst the 1235 Kings Cross - Leeds service headed by 91119 makes its booked stop alongside at Stevenage. 29 10 2017
Passing Virgin Leeds Services at Hitchin, on the left, the 13.15 Leeds - Kings Cross & on the right the 14.35 Kings Cross - Leeds, with a closing speed around 200mph. 11 10 2017
91114 'Durham Cathedral' sits at the head of the 1630 service to Edinburgh where it will arrive after 4 hours and 41 minutes and Ten stops at intermediate Stations, in Platform 0 at London Kings Cross. 04 03 2017
Class 91, 91101 'The Flying Scotsman' on the 14.30 London Kings Cross - Edinburgh, racing through Steveneage. 15 11 2015
Virgin East Coast Line-up, at Kings Cross. 43277 in the foreground, with 91116 & 91113 behind. 01 03 2015
East Coast Class 91s lined up at the Cross - left to right 91126, 91116 & 91130. 01 03 2015
Virgin East Coast Trains rub shoulders with a Grand Central HST Set, at Kings Cross. 01 03 2015
91118 pushes East Coast Trains 1A34 Leeds - Kings Cross Service through Hertford North, on route deviation. 16 02 2014
91125 hauls 1D90, Kings Cross - Leeds on the Hertford Loop, approaching Hertford North. 16 02 2014
East Coasts 91131 pushes its train out of Stevenage, after a scheduled stop, whilst non-stopping 180 110 approaches from the Kings Cross direction at speed. 15.07, 03 11 2013
LNER 91130 propelling the 13.00 Edinburgh - Kings Cross away from a booked stop at Doncaster, the second of three 91 sets seen in just over an hour. 17 07 2020
LNER 91101 departs from London King Cross, just as I make it to the end of the platform 1, with 1D07, 09.03 service to Leeds. 19 08 2023
LNER 91107 'Skyfall' waits for departure at London Kings Cross, on 1N81, 09.06 Service to Leeds, trailing 91101 on the Leeds Service, by just 3 minutes. 19 08 2023