militant skeptic: The bride and her fans II
militant skeptic: The bride and her fans!
militant skeptic: Christmas in Japan...
militant skeptic: Another sunny day for a wedding!
militant skeptic: Yokohama Chinatown
militant skeptic: One of the many gates in the Yokohama Chinatown
militant skeptic: Chinatown in Yokohama
militant skeptic: Shoe shopping with Miki and Kaori
militant skeptic: Isabella Spain
militant skeptic: Isabella Spain-Yokohama
militant skeptic: Spanish resturant in Yokohama
militant skeptic: One of the many christmas displays in Shibuya
militant skeptic: Magician in Harajuku
militant skeptic: She was pimping her cds something fierce
militant skeptic: The maid costumes are pretty popular...
militant skeptic: More cos-play
militant skeptic: Making tourists act like idiots: Priceless
militant skeptic: Make up: 2000 yen...
militant skeptic: If I were about ten years younger...
militant skeptic: More cos-play
militant skeptic: Making tourists act like idiots: Priceless
militant skeptic: Make up: 2000 yen...
militant skeptic: If I were about ten years younger...
militant skeptic: Cos play in Harajuku
militant skeptic: I love Japanese punk bands!
militant skeptic: A long sidewalk of competing punk bands in Harajuku
militant skeptic: Dancing greasers
militant skeptic: Greaser is Yoyogi park
militant skeptic: Dave happy to be in Japan
militant skeptic: Cool elevator doors-Tokyo city hall