KS Tan Sg: Skipper Butterflies (Hesperiidae) P1010004
KS Tan Sg: Eupelmid Wasp (Eupelmidae) P1010013
KS Tan Sg: Eupelmid Wasp (Eupelmidae) P1010014
KS Tan Sg: Signal Fly (Platystomatidae) P1010024
KS Tan Sg: Signal Fly (Platystomatidae) P1010027
KS Tan Sg: Dance Flies (Hybotidae: Elaphropeza sp.) P1010036
KS Tan Sg: Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) P1010040
KS Tan Sg: Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) P1010046
KS Tan Sg: Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) P1010048
KS Tan Sg: Tailless Whipscorpion (Charinidae: Sarax sp.) P1010051
KS Tan Sg: Plant Bug (Miridae: Isometopinae: Astroscopometopus sp.) P1010055
KS Tan Sg: Fungus Mimicking Weevil (Cryptorhynchinae) P1010057
KS Tan Sg: Fungus Mimicking Weevil (Cryptorhynchinae) P1010064
KS Tan Sg: Fungus Mimicking Weevil (Cryptorhynchinae) P1010087
KS Tan Sg: Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae: Hemicera sp.) P1010089
KS Tan Sg: Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae: Hemicera sp.) P1010092
KS Tan Sg: Weevil (Curculionidae: Agametis sp.) P1010097
KS Tan Sg: Weevil (Curculionidae: Agametis sp.) P1010099
KS Tan Sg: Ground Beetle (Carabidae) P1010108
KS Tan Sg: Fingerprint Ant With Prey (Formicidae: Diacamma sp.) P1010116
KS Tan Sg: Fingerprint Ant With Prey (Formicidae: Diacamma sp.) P1010117
KS Tan Sg: Ground Beetle (Carabidae: Pericalus depressus) P1010128
KS Tan Sg: Signal Fly (Platystomatidae: Pterogenia sp.) P1010140
KS Tan Sg: Fungus Weevil (Anthribidae: Acorynus pictus) P1010144
KS Tan Sg: Fungus Weevil (Anthribidae: Acorynus pictus) P1010146
KS Tan Sg: Ground Beetle (Carabidae: Pericalus depressus) P1010150
KS Tan Sg: Female Soldier Fly (Stratiomyidae: Pedinocerops radians (Walker, 1856) P1010157
KS Tan Sg: Ground Beetle (Carabidae: Pericalus depressus) P1010162
KS Tan Sg: P1010165
KS Tan Sg: Checkered Beetle (Cleridae: Omadius sp.) P1010171