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09Aug2021 Windsor Nature Park by KS Tan Sg
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KS Tan Sg
Skipper Butterflies (Hesperiidae) P1010004
KS Tan Sg
Eupelmid Wasp (Eupelmidae) P1010013
KS Tan Sg
Eupelmid Wasp (Eupelmidae) P1010014
KS Tan Sg
Signal Fly (Platystomatidae) P1010024
KS Tan Sg
Signal Fly (Platystomatidae) P1010027
KS Tan Sg
Dance Flies (Hybotidae: Elaphropeza sp.) P1010036
KS Tan Sg
Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) P1010040
KS Tan Sg
Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) P1010046
KS Tan Sg
Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) P1010048
KS Tan Sg
Tailless Whipscorpion (Charinidae: Sarax sp.) P1010051
KS Tan Sg
Plant Bug (Miridae: Isometopinae: Astroscopometopus sp.) P1010055
KS Tan Sg
Fungus Mimicking Weevil (Cryptorhynchinae) P1010057
KS Tan Sg
Fungus Mimicking Weevil (Cryptorhynchinae) P1010064
KS Tan Sg
Fungus Mimicking Weevil (Cryptorhynchinae) P1010087
KS Tan Sg
Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae: Hemicera sp.) P1010089
KS Tan Sg
Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae: Hemicera sp.) P1010092
KS Tan Sg
Weevil (Curculionidae: Agametis sp.) P1010097
KS Tan Sg
Weevil (Curculionidae: Agametis sp.) P1010099
KS Tan Sg
Ground Beetle (Carabidae) P1010108
KS Tan Sg
Fingerprint Ant With Prey (Formicidae: Diacamma sp.) P1010116
KS Tan Sg
Fingerprint Ant With Prey (Formicidae: Diacamma sp.) P1010117
KS Tan Sg
Ground Beetle (Carabidae: Pericalus depressus) P1010128
KS Tan Sg
Signal Fly (Platystomatidae: Pterogenia sp.) P1010140
KS Tan Sg
Fungus Weevil (Anthribidae: Acorynus pictus) P1010144
KS Tan Sg
Fungus Weevil (Anthribidae: Acorynus pictus) P1010146
KS Tan Sg
Ground Beetle (Carabidae: Pericalus depressus) P1010150
KS Tan Sg
Female Soldier Fly (Stratiomyidae: Pedinocerops radians (Walker, 1856) P1010157
KS Tan Sg
Ground Beetle (Carabidae: Pericalus depressus) P1010162
KS Tan Sg
KS Tan Sg
Checkered Beetle (Cleridae: Omadius sp.) P1010171
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