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20Oct2019 Dairy Farm Nature Park by KS Tan Sg
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KS Tan Sg
Ant-Mimic Jumping Spider (Myrmarachne sp.) 2G1A1599
KS Tan Sg
Ant-Mimic Jumping Spider (Myrmarachne sp.) 2G1A1601
KS Tan Sg
Ant-Mimic Jumping Spider (Myrmarachne sp.) 2G1A1602
KS Tan Sg
Nymphalidae 2G1A1604
KS Tan Sg
Nymphalidae 2G1A1605
KS Tan Sg
Nymphalidae 2G1A1607
KS Tan Sg
KS Tan Sg
Eucharitid Wasp (Eucharitidae) 2G1A1618
KS Tan Sg
KS Tan Sg
Soldier Fly (Stratiomyidae) 2G1A1620
KS Tan Sg
Beetle Fly (Celyphidae: Celyphus sp.) 2G1A1624
KS Tan Sg
Beetle Fly (Celyphidae: Celyphus sp.) 2G1A1626
KS Tan Sg
Handsome Fungus Beetle (Endomychidae: Stenotarsus pardalis) 2G1A1627
KS Tan Sg
Stalk-Eyed Fly (Diopsidae) 2G1A1633
KS Tan Sg
Leaf Beetle (Chrysomelidae: Gonophora sp.) 2G1A1636
KS Tan Sg
Lynx Spider With Prey (Oxyopidae: Hamataliwa sp.) 2G1A1639
KS Tan Sg
Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) 2G1A1642
KS Tan Sg
Jumping Spider (Salticidae: Ptocasius sp.) 2G1A1644
KS Tan Sg
Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae; Pseudonautes sp.) 2G1A1647
KS Tan Sg
Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae: Pseudonautes sp.) 2G1A1650
KS Tan Sg
Net-Winged Beetle Larvae (Lycidae) 2G1A1652
KS Tan Sg
Monkey Face Grasshopper 2G1A1656
KS Tan Sg
Braconid Wasp (Zombrus sp.) Braconidae 2G1A1658
KS Tan Sg
Lophopid Planthopper (Lophopidae) 2G1A1661
KS Tan Sg
Caterpillar 2G1A1667
KS Tan Sg
Coreid Nymph (Coreidae: Leptoglossus sp.) 2G1A1670
KS Tan Sg
Coreid Nymph (Coreidae: Leptoglossus sp.) 2G1A1675
KS Tan Sg
Dead Leaf Grasshopper (Chorotypidae: Chorotypus biemarginatus) 2G1A1679
KS Tan Sg
Plant bug (Isometopinae) 2G1A1686
KS Tan Sg
Long-Toed Water Beetle (Dryopidae: Sostea sp.) 2G1A1688
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