Kerri Lee Smith: Last snuggle
Kerri Lee Smith: Missing my shadow
Kerri Lee Smith: Celebrating Jimmy's life
Kerri Lee Smith: One of my favorite faces
Kerri Lee Smith: Holding paws
Kerri Lee Smith: I'm lucky enough to be Jimmy's favorite friend
Kerri Lee Smith: Just Jimmy looking cute
Kerri Lee Smith: Happiest of tails
Kerri Lee Smith: Apparently I'm not the only one who loves Jimmy's sweet face
Kerri Lee Smith: I love that sweet face
Kerri Lee Smith: A Happy Caturday story
Kerri Lee Smith: Everyone is getting better
Kerri Lee Smith: Jimmy keeping me company as I work
Kerri Lee Smith: Jimmy's whiskers
Kerri Lee Smith: Jimmy up on the bed
Kerri Lee Smith: Happy Caturday!
Kerri Lee Smith: Enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon
Kerri Lee Smith: The big adventurer
Kerri Lee Smith: Instagram Reach ↑ 2.0K%
Kerri Lee Smith: Jimmy and I braved the snow for about three minutes
Kerri Lee Smith: J is for Jester and for Jimmy
Kerri Lee Smith: These two crack me up
Kerri Lee Smith: Who knew my mom and I both love bats?
Kerri Lee Smith: Just Jimmy and me popping on to say Hi!
Kerri Lee Smith: Do I need to freshen the water in the water bowl???
Kerri Lee Smith: Turns out I'm the favorite piece of furniture in the house
Kerri Lee Smith: Jimmy and Lucy - Retrospective
Kerri Lee Smith: Sorry for two posts of Jimmy in his new bed in a row...