Kerri Lee Smith: Ella outside!
Kerri Lee Smith: Happy Cats
Kerri Lee Smith: Happy Birthday, Ella!
Kerri Lee Smith: My curious kitten is about to turn 16
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella finally ventures outside!
Kerri Lee Smith: My 15 year old kitten
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella in the sunshine
Kerri Lee Smith: Rear view of Ella
Kerri Lee Smith: Only for the Happy Caturday group will I give up color
Kerri Lee Smith: Happy 15th birthday, Ella!!!
Kerri Lee Smith: This is as much excitement as I was able to drum up from my pets for St. Patrick's Day
Kerri Lee Smith: Gagging on grass
Kerri Lee Smith: Just a pretty cat - because it's been far too long since I've posted one
Kerri Lee Smith: What do you see, guys?
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella enjoying some sunshine last week
Kerri Lee Smith: Keeping warm
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella - my smallest masterpiece
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella in the early morning light
Kerri Lee Smith: Ellie Belly Ladybug
Kerri Lee Smith: Just looks like a picture of a cat on a patio... right?
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella #96
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella #95
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella photobombing the rarely-seen pink and white Christmas tree
Kerri Lee Smith: 30 seconds before rolling in the cut grass
Kerri Lee Smith: Goofy girl
Kerri Lee Smith: Hairy bed, fuzzy fur, dirty windows, cute collar, gorgeous cat
Kerri Lee Smith: Ella finds an ally... sort of
Kerri Lee Smith: Elegant Ella
Kerri Lee Smith: My dear little Ellie Belly is having her teeth cleaned today and I'm a nervous wreck
Kerri Lee Smith: The real goofball in the family