christinayan01 (busy): Gee in pink (犬のジーさんはピンクの毛布好き)
christinayan01 (busy): Gentleman, Gee (犬のジーさんは紳士的)
christinayan01 (busy): Gee and woman (犬のジーさん)
christinayan01 (busy): Gee (犬のジーさん)
christinayan01 (busy): Deer (奈良の鹿)
christinayan01 (busy): Deer 2 (奈良の鹿)
christinayan01 (busy): Deer (奈良の鹿)
christinayan01 (busy): Grey crowned crane (ホオジロカンムリヅル)
christinayan01 (busy): Ring-tailed lemur (ワオキツネザル)
christinayan01 (busy): Face to the future (ナマケモノ)
christinayan01 (busy): Pillow kangaroo (まくらがほしいの)
christinayan01 (busy): Shoebill (とにかく動かないハシビロコウ)
christinayan01 (busy): Scented with spring flowers (春の香)
christinayan01 (busy): Tsukishima walking (月島遊歩)
christinayan01 (busy): Sakura photographer (カメラマン桜を撮る)
christinayan01 (busy): Sakura photographer pt.2 (カメラマン桜を撮る)
christinayan01 (busy): Yamate Tunnel (首都高中央環状線 山手トンネル)
christinayan01 (busy): Girl posing as model while shooting photo (すごいポーズで撮影中)
christinayan01 (busy): Cube girl (すっごい縮こまって撮る女性)
christinayan01 (busy): Frozen lady (雪女)
christinayan01 (busy): So fresh, feeling so good (ボラギノールのある風景No.7)
christinayan01 (busy): Visitor at temple (境内にて)
christinayan01 (busy): Japanese style (和の佇まい)
christinayan01 (busy): All of Nikon lenses (ニコン祭り)
christinayan01 (busy): 31th Miss Chuo Ward of Tokyo (ミス中央区)
christinayan01 (busy): On the light
christinayan01 (busy): ROPPONGI HALLOWEEN 2014
christinayan01 (busy): ROPPONGI HALLOWEEN 2014
christinayan01 (busy): ROPPONGI HALLOWEEN 2014
christinayan01 (busy): ROPPONGI HALLOWEEN 2014