ithyrsus: Altstadt. Dresden, 2023.
ithyrsus: Prayer stone.
ithyrsus: Vichy, 2023.
ithyrsus: A cicada, summer sonata.
ithyrsus: Bautzen, 2023.
ithyrsus: Entropy is neglect, oblivion and sadness.
ithyrsus: Cherubino.
ithyrsus: Calle Peñascales. Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: No photo
ithyrsus: To die in lonelyness. 2020.
ithyrsus: Composition with rectangles. Composición con rectángulos.
ithyrsus: Gladiator net. Red de gladiador.
ithyrsus: Montgat, 2019.
ithyrsus: Cuatro Caminos, Madrid. 2019.
ithyrsus: Calle San Antón. Villamanta, 2019
ithyrsus: Requiem a capella.
ithyrsus: Basketfall
ithyrsus: And then the bubble exploded... Y entonces la burbuja va y explota...
ithyrsus: Santa Cruz del Valle. 2019.
ithyrsus: Étoile déchue
ithyrsus: Reading drama. Drama lector.
ithyrsus: Bishop.
ithyrsus: And now what?
ithyrsus: Alameda de Osuna. Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: Podemus. Dresden, 2020
ithyrsus: A star is born. 2020.
ithyrsus: The forgotten bicycle. La bici olvidada.
ithyrsus: Madrid.
ithyrsus: Madrid.
ithyrsus: Vichy, 2023.