ithyrsus: Different glances. Miradas distintas.
ithyrsus: Ventanuco con pasado glorioso de puerta
ithyrsus: A polyurethane Pope welcomes you.
ithyrsus: Madrid, 2019.
ithyrsus: Anonymous portrait of someone anonymous that remains anonymous.
ithyrsus: Junk dealer. Chamarilero. El Rastro, Madrid. 2019.
ithyrsus: Junk dealers. Dos chamarileros del Rastro. Madrid, 2019.
ithyrsus: Looking for bargains. Buscando gangas. El Rastro. Madrid, 2019.
ithyrsus: Milites gloriosi. (Unforgettable Plautus)
ithyrsus: Urban coprophilia. Madrid, 2019.
ithyrsus: Heavy Metal legs. Madrid, 2019.
ithyrsus: Audience reaction, Madrid, 2019.
ithyrsus: Pensive girl in the protest about the COP25 Madrid 12/06/2019
ithyrsus: Calle Peñascales. Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: El repartidor del Butano en Usera. Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: "A bold biker" or "hard to get going". Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: Protection.
ithyrsus: Untitled. Madrid, 2020
ithyrsus: Le monde est un grand bal où chacun est masqué.
ithyrsus: National Library. Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: Life's a long way.
ithyrsus: Madrid, 2020.
ithyrsus: Christmas lights
ithyrsus: Abstraction with two holes
ithyrsus: Madrid, 2021.
ithyrsus: Revuelo
ithyrsus: Steps in Atocha
ithyrsus: El sol entra por su puerta. Puerta del Sol, Madrid.
ithyrsus: Royal Academy.