fairysquishercolleen: Smidgen sittin pretty
fairysquishercolleen: Perfect seat
fairysquishercolleen: Smidgen all dressed up
fairysquishercolleen: She looks so comfortable up there
fairysquishercolleen: When goblins babysit
fairysquishercolleen: Smidgen in the arms of a goblin babysitter
fairysquishercolleen: You could always make a dress out of just one leg...and a matching couch out of the other =0)
fairysquishercolleen: You know, these might fit my bear chair better
fairysquishercolleen: We could easily turn this into a flying squirrel costume!
fairysquishercolleen: Smidgen helps me revamp some Holly Hobby pants
fairysquishercolleen: You are getting sleepy.. you find me impossible to resist!
fairysquishercolleen: You have blindeded me with your flash!
fairysquishercolleen: Smidgen relaxinatin' on a chair from Auntie Valkerie
fairysquishercolleen: MWAAAAAH!!!!!