Wibble45: 66716 at Ferme Park.
Wibble45: MLA Falcons dominate Ferme Park.
Wibble45: Ferme Park Shunters cabin ... discussions ...
Wibble45: The Panel ...
Wibble45: MLA Falcons & FEA Tench.
Wibble45: 66716 ... big cab end at Ferme Park.
Wibble45: MLA Falcon
Wibble45: GBRf 66716 at Ferme Park.
Wibble45: Ferme Park Shunters Cabin.
Wibble45: Signage.
Wibble45: 66716 at Ferme Park.
Wibble45: 66716 at Ferme Park.
Wibble45: MLA Falcon, FEA Tench & HQA Autoballasters.
Wibble45: Turntable
Wibble45: Turntable wheel.
Wibble45: Kissing buffer stops.
Wibble45: MLA 503035 at the stops.
Wibble45: Walking between the Falcons
Wibble45: Falcons at Ferme Park.
Wibble45: Falcon buffer detail.
Wibble45: MLA hand brake.
Wibble45: FEA Salmon wratchet.
Wibble45: FEA Wrachet and strap.
Wibble45: Flatop Salmon
Wibble45: Wheel set
Wibble45: 66716 Fault book.
Wibble45: 66716 shunts MLAs onto the cripple road.
Wibble45: Sanjay walks along the MLAs
Wibble45: Coupling up.