rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Be his father, not his friend. If you don't know the difference, imagine his confusion when you must discipline him."
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Be his hero"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him the only constant thing in life is change"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Play outside - it's much better than watching TV and playing video games"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him to keep a secret"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him that he's never too old to take a nap"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Tell him you're just as confused about woman as he is"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Bullying him is a guaranteed way to raise a bully"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him how to eat an oreo. This is a skill that will serve him his life time."
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Even if you can, don't buy him everything"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Never forget that you can't hug or cuddle or kiss a young boy too much"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him tolerance"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Praise him often"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Read to him nightly. He'll love it!"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Hug him before bed time, every night, even if he's 18"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Talk to him about his dreams. Then about yours"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him the difference between being lonely and alone"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Who says boy shoudn't cry? Should ask why he's crying."
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him he's in charge of his life"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him there is nothing to fear but fear itself"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Be prepared to answer difficult questions without editorial comments"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Don't adjust the house to his moods. Let him adjust to yours"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him to treat each day as holy"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him that every action has consequence"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Don't dismiss any of his dreams as too big"
rob_yosh_jj_kyle_ellie: "Teach him that self esteem can only be achieved by achieving"