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Portraits of 2015 by *M-C1*
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Thursday January 1st, 2015 Happy New Year.
Friday Janurary 2nd, 2015 How Darth spends his down time
Saturday January 3rd, 2015 We had snow....for about an hour.
Sunday January 4th, 2015 Straight out of the shower...
Monday January 5th, 2015 Chatting online while my minion looks shocked.
Tuesday January 6th, 2015 Happy Birthday, Mr. Holmes.
Wednesday January 7th, 2015 Je suis Charlie
Thursday January 8th, 2015 When your bubble bursts.
Friday January 9th, 2015 virtual Snowball fight.
Saturday January 10th, 2015 Sleepy time.
Sunday January 11th, 2015 painterly me
Monday January 12th, 2015 Black and white me
Tuesday January 13th, 2015 Another day, another black and white portrait.
Wednesday January 14th, 2015 Looking up
Thursday January 15th, 2015 Straight ahead.
Friday January 16th, 2015 Cleansed.
Saturday January 17th, 2015 A hoodie is a must.
Sunday January 18th, 2015 Cropped.
Monday January 19th, 2015 LUSH brand sugar lip scrub.
Tuesday January 20th, 2015 Scarves and flannel are required when it's this cold.
Wednesday January 21st, 2015 Darth discovers the difficulties of eating jelly beans
Thursday January 22nd, 2015 Cold weather requires hats.
Tuesday February 17th, 2015 Edit free photo
Wednesday February 18th, 2015 breakfast
Friday February 27th, 2015 RIP Spock
Saturday February 28th, 2015 Cold and rosy
Monday February 23rd, 2015 So, two sweet potatoes and an avocado walk into a bowl...
Thursday March 5th, 2015 Oh looooook! Snow!
Thursday March 5th, 2015 When one photo isn't enough.
Friday March 6th, 2015 My Doctor is regenerating with sunlight changing fabric paint
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