*M-C1*: M-C 2006
*M-C1*: M-C IN.BLK
*M-C1*: A tear for the loss. A bear for a hug.
*M-C1*: Rockin the Tinymeat Merch
*M-C1*: Rockin The Tinymeat Merch 2
*M-C1*: Sportin a necklace by designsbycat801
*M-C1*: Dreaming of U in pink...eyes
*M-C1*: Dreaming of U starry eyed!
*M-C1*: Cheers!
*M-C1*: Cheers!
*M-C1*: night candle
*M-C1*: I'm keepin an eye on you
*M-C1*: One place I love is in the Bronx ;)
*M-C1*: Kahlua and Me
*M-C1*: (((HUGS))) It's a virtual thing.
*M-C1*: Monochromatic Sadness
*M-C1*: Red Repose
*M-C1*: Thursday's face
*M-C1*: Self -Portrait Thursday!
*M-C1*: Another Self-Portait Thursday picture
*M-C1*: etsy on display
*M-C1*: Twist on Self Portrait Thursday
*M-C1*: crazy hair daze
*M-C1*: Hey Stan, why the long face?
*M-C1*: Self Portrait Thursday (a day late).
*M-C1*: Self Portrait Thursday
*M-C1*: My many faces.
*M-C1*: Copper Locks
*M-C1*: I've been Hockneyized!