Kong Weng: Foothills of the Sand Dunes
Kong Weng: Al-Khazneh and Mr Camel
Kong Weng: Walking in the Siq
Kong Weng: Jordan River
Kong Weng: The Monastery from above
Kong Weng: The royal tombs
Kong Weng: Jerash Hippodrome
Kong Weng: Temple of Artemis and its admirers
Kong Weng: Columns of Temple of Artemis
Kong Weng: The Bedouin Shepherd
Kong Weng: Ajloun
Kong Weng: The tourist, the bedouin and his donkey
Kong Weng: Fallen column @ the great temple
Kong Weng: End of the Cardo Maximus, Jerash
Kong Weng: Grand Husseini Mosque, Downtown Amman
Kong Weng: Jerash roman columns and a mosque minaret
Kong Weng: Tetrapylon, Jerash
Kong Weng: The cobbler @ Amman
Kong Weng: Oval Forum
Kong Weng: South Gate
Kong Weng: Jerash
Kong Weng: Salt chunk @ dead sea
Kong Weng: Contemplation @ dead sea
Kong Weng: Peace within the ruins, Citadel Amman
Kong Weng: Morning dash, downtown Amman
Kong Weng: Only in Jordan
Kong Weng: Temple of Hercules
Kong Weng: Amman
Kong Weng: Colour contra
Kong Weng: Morning road crossing