Geoffrey Go:
traffic to eagles game
Geoffrey Go:
entrance to linc
Geoffrey Go:
eagles pregame
Geoffrey Go:
eagles pregame2
Geoffrey Go:
eagles seats row19
Geoffrey Go:
eagles seats row19-2
Geoffrey Go:
eagles introductions
Geoffrey Go:
eagles introductions2
Geoffrey Go:
eagles introductions3
Geoffrey Go:
bengals bench
Geoffrey Go:
national anthem
Geoffrey Go:
Geoffrey Go:
eagles action
Geoffrey Go:
bengals action1
Geoffrey Go:
bengals action2
Geoffrey Go:
Geoffrey Go:
bengals action3
Geoffrey Go:
Geoffrey Go:
eagles action2
Geoffrey Go:
eagles action3
Geoffrey Go:
eagles extra pt
Geoffrey Go:
eagles fight song
Geoffrey Go:
eagles kickoff
Geoffrey Go:
bengals action4
Geoffrey Go:
bengals action5
Geoffrey Go:
Geoffrey Go:
bengals action6
Geoffrey Go:
Geoffrey Go:
paul and geoffrey