Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Striated Heron - juvenile / Mangrovereiger
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Bronze Mannikin / Gewoon ekstertje
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Grey-headed gulls / Grijskopmeeuw
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Pearl-spotted Owlet / Geparelde dwerguil
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Caspian Tern / Reuzenstern
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Slender-billed Gull / Dunbekmeeuw
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Blue-bellied Roller / Blauwbuikscharrelaar
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Woodland Kingfisher / Senegal-ijsvogel
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Black Crake / Zwart porseleinhoen
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Green Monkey / Groene Meerkat
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Giant Kingfisher / Afrikaanse reuzenijsvogel
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Pied Kingfisher / Bonte IJsvogel
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Red-Eyed Dove / Roodoogtortel
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Yellow-fronted Canary / Mozambiquesijs
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Little Bee-eater / Dwergbijeneter
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Common Bulbul / Grauwe Buulbuul
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Speckled Pigeon / Gespikkelde Duif
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Hooded Vulture / Kapgier
Ronald Poels - Enjoy all the beauty: Hooded Vulture / Kapgier on the beach