IAMAR_: quiet days.
IAMAR_: i was painting the sky
IAMAR_: 00000000000
IAMAR_: am.cold
IAMAR_: sueños difusos.
IAMAR_: Resting or are hidden?
IAMAR_: far away ... I want to be...
IAMAR_: the sun of everyday
IAMAR_: si tan solo....
IAMAR_: uncertainty....
IAMAR_: a quiet sunset...
IAMAR_: walking in a dream
IAMAR_: warm feeling...
IAMAR_: bird
IAMAR_: i just want to vanish... sometimes
IAMAR_: nostalgia
IAMAR_: Gilmour birds
IAMAR_: a train....from another time
IAMAR_: fire in the sky
IAMAR_: diminuta
IAMAR_: high and more higher
IAMAR_: sepia moments
IAMAR_: leroy
IAMAR_: sweet forest creatures