sussexlrc: Nancy Platts had a lot to say!
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts reflects on the 2015 elections
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts asks why hasn't Labour opposed austerity?
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts pinpoints problems with Labour's 2015 election campaign
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts says Labour must offer people more
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts speaking
sussexlrc: Reinstate Candy!
sussexlrc: Reaction to the Chair's introduction of Jeremy Corbyn MP
sussexlrc: Everyone enjoys Sussex LRC events!
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts listens to Jeremy Corbyn MP
sussexlrc: Jeremy Corbyn MP speaking
sussexlrc: Jeremy Corbyn MP describes the challenges now ahead
sussexlrc: Defeating the Tories will be hard work but can be done said Jeremy Corbyn
sussexlrc: Jeremy Corbyn led applause for Joy Hurcombe of the Save Shaker Aamer campaign
sussexlrc: We shall bring Shaker Aamer back from Guantanamo said Jeremy Corbyn
sussexlrc: Everyone listened attentively to Jeremy Corbyn MP
sussexlrc: Jeremy Corbyn is certain that Nancy Platts will become an MP
sussexlrc: Audience contributions are invited
sussexlrc: Audience member has Panel's attention
sussexlrc: Part of the audience
sussexlrc: Jeremy Corbyn listens
sussexlrc: NHS not Trident!
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts listens
sussexlrc: Close-up of the panel
sussexlrc: Jeremy Corbyn ready to respond
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts replies to the audience
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts has ideas to develop Labour
sussexlrc: Nancy Platts thanks Nathan Phillips
sussexlrc: UK must invest in renewable energy and housing says Sussex LRC Chair
sussexlrc: Chair invites another round of audience contibutions