brennivin.: Mirror image - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Keeping up with Mum - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: The determined pair - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Growing up - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Still growing - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Joining up with the adults - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Trying to join a new family - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Protective mallard - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Quite grown-up - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Part of a new family - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Little trooper - Tale of Two Ducklings
brennivin.: Young mallard - Tale of Two Ducklings