fd_alsaker: _FDA7607 Föhnwolke, Foehn [Explored Jul 12, 2012 #171]
fd_alsaker: _FDA8047_Unwetter in Anmarsch [Explored Jul 9, 2012 #190]
fd_alsaker: _FDA7953 Enzian [explored]
fd_alsaker: _FDA7944 just wakened, it's summer out there [explored]
fd_alsaker: _FDA7663 also they like flowers [explored]
fd_alsaker: _DSC0747 of mountains and water [explored]
fd_alsaker: _FDA8718 The smelting Blümlisalp [explore #105 2012-09-12]
fd_alsaker: _DSC0883 After a gentle morning rainfall [explored #494 2012-09-13]
fd_alsaker: _FDA9079 Tree cooperation [explore #359 - Nov.19th 2012]
fd_alsaker: _DSC1115 Tree-Stone Unity
fd_alsaker: _FDA9343 Ice details [explored Dec 4, 2012 #377]
fd_alsaker: _FDA9136 Chapel Verena Schlucht [explored Nov 27, 2012 #331]
fd_alsaker: _FDA9371 Sailing on high sea... just a little bit of ice [explored Dec 9, 2012 #463]
fd_alsaker: _FDA9365 Ice Art I [explored Dec 8, 2012 #230]
fd_alsaker: _FDA9048 Good Night Moon [explored Dec 13, 2012 #60]
fd_alsaker: _FDA9362 Ice Art II [explored Dec 8, 2012 #484]
fd_alsaker: _DSC1404 Foggy Sunshine [explored, Feb 12, 2013 #78]
fd_alsaker: _FD10474 Snowdog [explored Feb 16, 2013 #432]
fd_alsaker: _FD10462 sooo tired, but still in step [explored Feb 17, 2013 #171]
fd_alsaker: 1117_FA30960 Lamb's Quarters
fd_alsaker: _FA28203 The first steps of a leafhopper (cicada)
fd_alsaker: _FA30059 Autumn in the woods 1
fd_alsaker: _FA30729 Today's meeting with a flying "Tiger"
fd_alsaker: 808_FA34423 Wald-Sauerklee
fd_alsaker: _FA35069 Feels so good...