raytlake: Northern Pintails
raytlake: MaleNoPintails011715
raytlake: Dunlins with Herring Gull
raytlake: GullDunlin011715
raytlake: DunlinTakeoff011715
raytlake: Snowy Owl
raytlake: Snowy Owl at Island Beach State Park, NJ
raytlake: Great Blue Heron
raytlake: Northern Mockingbird
raytlake: White-throated Sparrow
raytlake: Bald Eagle Flyby
raytlake: Bald Eagle in Flight
raytlake: Blue Jay Take-off
raytlake: Juvenile Coopers Hawk
raytlake: Juvenile Coopers Hawk
raytlake: CarolinaChickadee121014
raytlake: Northern Pintails in Flight
raytlake: Snow Geese at Bombay Hook
raytlake: Female Hooded Merganser -010215
raytlake: Male Hooded Merganser_011015
raytlake: Downey Woodpecker 12/7/14
raytlake: Eastern Bluebird 120714
raytlake: Female Belted Kingfisher 11/21/14
raytlake: Horned Owl
raytlake: Red-Shouldered Hawk-Quizzical Look
raytlake: Red-shouldered Hawk Coming at You
raytlake: Red-shouldered Hawk with Blue Sky 11/23/14
raytlake: Red-tailed Hawk
raytlake: Peregrine Falcon
raytlake: Merlin lunch