Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Snapshot of my life. #1
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: ❤️Hivid TV+ Me=TRUE!❤️
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: ♥4 months pregnant♥
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Waiting on coffee and stroking Belly
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Took A Train Ride
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: The Baby is moving alot
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Sexy and I KNOW it
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: The baby is starting to get a bit heavy
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Early Fall mornings are the best
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Can you Tell im Thinking of you?
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Vacation Mood = On!
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: 30 weeks pregnant
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: And Just like that, it was "Go time" My Labor and Delivery.
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: I Don't want to miss a thing.
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Motherhood so far blog POST
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: My Christmas is Fucking SAVED and im going to SLAY *Sponsored by Beautiful Dirty Rich*
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: The Art of Waiting....
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: The Writing spark is slowly coming back
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: First Movie Night...Alone...
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Two of the biggest loves of my life
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: I never knew a love like yours.
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: *ALARM*VIDAY YES PLEASE *ALARM*
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Intimidating confidence?
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: I Don't know how i could have had a life without you.
Tessa Pitbull Blackwood: Forget the haters 'cause somebody loves you