Dave A7: Blue Heron
Dave A7: Blue Heron
Dave A7: goodeating (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Sparrow
Dave A7: Kingfishers
Dave A7: Kingfisher with flowers
Dave A7: gulls (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Gull flying
Dave A7: Mourning Doves
Dave A7: Northern Flicker taking off
Dave A7: swampbird (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Young Oriole taking off
Dave A7: Fly by
Dave A7: gf1 (1 of 1)
Dave A7: ptarmigan (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Sooty Grouse
Dave A7: Gray Jay trying to win some food.
Dave A7: Gray Jay want more food NOW
Dave A7: pwoodpecker4 (1 of 1)
Dave A7: tswlclose (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Marsh Wren
Dave A7: Heron and RW Blackbird 2
Dave A7: Happy Sparrow
Dave A7: sprrow2 (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Cedar Waxwings on a branch
Dave A7: ternn (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Tree Swallow flying
Dave A7: veryblue (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Waxwings on a branch
Dave A7: Waxwings sharing food