Dave A7: Waxwings sharing food
Dave A7: Juvenile Starling
Dave A7: Brown Thrasher taking off
Dave A7: Caspian Tern with fish
Dave A7: Marsh Wren
Dave A7: Black and white Warbler
Dave A7: Oriole hiding
Dave A7: American Bittern
Dave A7: brb (1 of 1)
Dave A7: cwmarsh (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Tree Swallow flying
Dave A7: Blues
Dave A7: Caspian Tern flying
Dave A7: gullfest (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Caspian Tern with fish
Dave A7: marshwren (1 of 1)
Dave A7: bthrasher (1 of 1)
Dave A7: tsfly (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Black billed Cuckoo
Dave A7: catb (1 of 1)
Dave A7: cswallow2 (1 of 1)-2
Dave A7: Killdeer
Dave A7: female red breasted Grosbeak
Dave A7: sprrow3 (1 of 1)
Dave A7: piper (1 of 1)
Dave A7: Heron and RW Blackbird
Dave A7: fly (1 of 1)
Dave A7: squirrel1 (1 of 1)
Dave A7: gbhron (1 of 1)
Dave A7: gbh3 (1 of 1)