rosewithoutathorn84: Anne Seymour Damer as the Muse of Sculpture (detail)
rosewithoutathorn84: Carthaginian 4-5th century AD mosaic detail
rosewithoutathorn84: jewelry with a golden bird
rosewithoutathorn84: the British Museum - a glorious entrance
rosewithoutathorn84: ornamental vessels
rosewithoutathorn84: Holbein sketch
rosewithoutathorn84: 1820s scent bottles & things
rosewithoutathorn84: Diorama of Roman England
rosewithoutathorn84: 1760-1770 mourning rings with hairwork
rosewithoutathorn84: 18th century Swiss chatelaine
rosewithoutathorn84: fisherman mosaic
rosewithoutathorn84: Boeotian terracotta statuettes
rosewithoutathorn84: Anne Seymour Damer as the Muse of Sculpture
rosewithoutathorn84: dolphin mosaic
rosewithoutathorn84: Homer, 2nd century BC
rosewithoutathorn84: Italian amulet, 1560-80
rosewithoutathorn84: late Roman rings from Thetford
rosewithoutathorn84: Nereid monument (closeup)
rosewithoutathorn84: Little Britain!
rosewithoutathorn84: Memento Mori ring, c.1600s
rosewithoutathorn84: gold lunula from early Bronze-age Ireland
rosewithoutathorn84: Ancient Persepolis in CGI
rosewithoutathorn84: what Persepolis once was
rosewithoutathorn84: murals from Roman England
rosewithoutathorn84: murals from Lullingstone Roman villa
rosewithoutathorn84: Leda and the Swan
rosewithoutathorn84: Demeter and her daughter Persephone
rosewithoutathorn84: Statue of Demeter from Knidos, 350 BC