rosewithoutathorn84: Fortinbras 1
rosewithoutathorn84: Fortinbras 2
rosewithoutathorn84: my grandma's kimono
rosewithoutathorn84: sleepless at the D.C. Marriott
rosewithoutathorn84: me & parents at Harvard Club
rosewithoutathorn84: me, aka Elizabeth Booth
rosewithoutathorn84: inside the bower
rosewithoutathorn84: girl without a pearl earring
rosewithoutathorn84: Why you shouldn't listen to "Mad World" too much
rosewithoutathorn84: surprisingly attractive for 6:30 am!
rosewithoutathorn84: shiny but still happy (ish)
rosewithoutathorn84: me as Nurse Flinn in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
rosewithoutathorn84: my cousins-in-law Emelia and Patricia
rosewithoutathorn84: a Religieuse experience!
rosewithoutathorn84: Laduree candied violets
rosewithoutathorn84: savoring the last blini
rosewithoutathorn84: Daisy - first meeting
rosewithoutathorn84: Me as a classical statue, or "Galatea", MFA
rosewithoutathorn84: Les Liaisons Dangereuses - opening scene
rosewithoutathorn84: Les Liaisons Dangereuses - the Marquise, Volanges & Cecile
rosewithoutathorn84: Les Liaisons Dangereuses - Cecile & Valmont
rosewithoutathorn84: Les Liaisons Dangereuses - Cecile & Valmont in bed
rosewithoutathorn84: Les Liaisons Dangereuses - the Marquise & Cecile
rosewithoutathorn84: my gorgeous yellow dress
rosewithoutathorn84: pensive 18th century girl
rosewithoutathorn84: Daisy and me - funnelhead