Nelson~Blue: Calathea leitzii -White Lightning
Nelson~Blue: Ctenanthe lubbersiana - The Never Never Plant
Nelson~Blue: Calathea roseopicta Medallion
Nelson~Blue: Calathea roseopicta "Dottie"
Nelson~Blue: Calathea makoyana - The Peacock Plant
Nelson~Blue: Calathea burle marxii
Nelson~Blue: Philodendron Birkin
Nelson~Blue: Calathea roseopicta "Rosie"
Nelson~Blue: Calathea rosopicta "Dottie"
Nelson~Blue: Philodendron White Princess
Nelson~Blue: Caladium Red Heart
Nelson~Blue: Anthurium Andreanum
Nelson~Blue: Monstera Thai Constellation
Nelson~Blue: Philodendron White Princess
Nelson~Blue: Philodendron White Princess - Pink marked leaf variation
Nelson~Blue: Peperomia Obtusifolia "Rainbow"
Nelson~Blue: Peperomia obtusifolium "Milky Way"
Nelson~Blue: Syngonium Rosanna
Nelson~Blue: Monstera Thai Constellation
Nelson~Blue: Maiden Hair Fern
Nelson~Blue: Anthurium scherzerianum "Pink Spot"