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Union Pacific by DJ shekky
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DJ shekky
california, here i come!
DJ shekky
bending with the river
DJ shekky
signs of much more to come
DJ shekky
power and freight transmission
DJ shekky
gliding towards the valley
DJ shekky
in through the out door or out through the in door
DJ shekky
power to beat the band
DJ shekky
an inevitable but unseen meet
DJ shekky
cape horn revisited.
DJ shekky
westbound by the water
DJ shekky
a view from the red frog
DJ shekky
MP 176.25
DJ shekky
california junction, IA
DJ shekky
a few minutes in western nevada
DJ shekky
first heavy snow of the season
DJ shekky
they'll be back to work--sooner than they think
DJ shekky
that's not camera noise, it's snowfall
DJ shekky
the "playa dust" train
DJ shekky
easy does it
DJ shekky
from empire, NV with love
DJ shekky
milepost 177
DJ shekky
new rails and concrete ties
DJ shekky
slow like molasses in a bottle/gathering clouds at E-Gap
DJ shekky
out of the snowsheds at norden
DJ shekky
america's salad bowl
DJ shekky
lead unit glint
DJ shekky
stark reminders
DJ shekky
tie crane high railer
DJ shekky
the boardman canal
DJ shekky
a bit of reflection at yuba gap
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