DJ shekky: the Temple of Conifers and Jalapéno peppers
DJ shekky: the daylight hours grow shorter
DJ shekky: the War Pig v.3
DJ shekky: every mountain biker needs a rigid singlespeed
DJ shekky: two hundred spoke wheel
DJ shekky: why i love san francisco
DJ shekky: trail monkey
DJ shekky: almost like a photo from a product catalog
DJ shekky: narrowing it down
DJ shekky: wet days mean single-speeds
DJ shekky: tangerine sunset
DJ shekky: Sand Season in Golden Gate Park
DJ shekky: it takes hard work to find the sun sometimes
DJ shekky: the hawk hill likes it rough
DJ shekky: dropping down into tennessee valley
DJ shekky: hill 88/1
DJ shekky: tail end of a great day of riding
DJ shekky: conquering problematic sections
DJ shekky: happy new year!
DJ shekky: my center of the universe
DJ shekky: my favorite stretch of golden gate park
DJ shekky: upgrade-i-tus, hero dirt and golden gate park
DJ shekky: changes for the better
DJ shekky: handle with care
DJ shekky: heading out of the Blue Room
DJ shekky: more than one way to get high...
DJ shekky: foggy singletrack on a saturday...
DJ shekky: fogust in marin county
DJ shekky: 2017 marin hawk hill "custom"
DJ shekky: dense fog in marin county